Ilrs Média Móvel

Fórmulas de Metastock - S Clique aqui para voltar a Metastock Formula Index Se (CgtRef (C, -1) E Ref (C, -1) gtRef (C, -2), PREV1, If Ref (C, -1) ltRef (C, -2), PREV-1, If ​​(CgtRef (C, -1) E Ref (C, C, -1) e Ref (C, -1) gtRef (C, -2), - 1, 0)))) Esta fórmula pode ser útil como componente de outros indicadores, sistemas ou explorações, - alone. Configurando o modelo ADX Isso constrói o modelo mencionado no artigo ADX da edição de outubro de 1999 da TASC por Paul Babbitt. 1. Diagrama seu stockindexwhatever, usando um molde limpo, a seguir faça o mesmos outra vez, de modo que os gráficos de sobreposição dois sejam indicados. 2. Na barra de menus, clique em Windows e, em seguida, em Colunas. Os dois gráficos serão exibidos lado a lado. 3. Altere o gráfico do lado esquerdo de Diário para Semanal. Clique com o botão direito na escala de datas e selecione X-Axis. Defina o intervalo de datas exibido para o que você deseja, p. 1996 a 1999. Certifique-se de que o intervalo de datas carregadas inicia mais cedo. Clique na guia Margem e defina a margem como 1. 4. Na lista suspensa Indicador, selecione Média em movimento e arraste-a para o gráfico à esquerda. Um período de 40 no gráfico semanal corresponde a um MA de 200 dias. 5. Para o gráfico do lado direito, deixe-o em um intervalo diário, mas defina o Eixo X como no parágrafo 3 acima para, digamos, um display de 3 meses. 6. Arraste o indicador Bollinger Band para o gráfico do lado direito. 7. Arraste o indicador ADX de movimento direcional para a parte superior do gráfico à direita até que o cursor mude para uma caixa e, em seguida, solte. Defina as linhas horizontais conforme desejado. 8. De forma semelhante, arraste o indicador RSI para a parte inferior do gráfico do lado direito. Sistema Shark-32, Walter Downs Os sinais de saída de tubarão não parecem ser tão bons. Em alguns casos, os sinais de venda oferecem boas oportunidades para venda a descoberto, mas os sinais parecem ser muito poucos e distantes entre eles para confiar neles para vender sinais para negócios longos. O padrão de tubarão ocorre com demasiada frequência e não há garantia de que ocorra quando a tendência reverter. Com longos comércios, você tem que olhar para outros indicadores, como CCI, como você diz, ou talvez parabólico SAR. Você poderia usar o preço quebrando abaixo de determinadas médias móveis, também - ou em movimento - crossovers médios. Parece entrada, mas não há saída em Shark. Talvez padrão CCI (13) com 200 e -150 gatilhos. Os sinais de padrão de tubarão, na terceira janela no gráfico que eu enviei, eram apenas alertas mostrando que o padrão de tubarão tinha ocorrido naqueles dias. O sistema de tubarões baseia-se no aumento próximo acima dos níveis estabelecidos quando ocorre o padrão do tubarão. Os níveis são definidos pelo alto e baixo no padrão de tubarão, eo próximo deve quebrá-los dentro de 25 dias do sinal. O padrão de tubarão, em outras palavras, não é um sinal de compra ou venda. Os sinais de compra foram mostrados na segunda janela do gráfico que enviei. A janela é rotulada Tubarão comprar sinal. Além disso, os sinais são marcados por setas verdes sobre o gráfico de preços na primeira janela do gráfico. Eu não incluí vender sinais no gráfico que enviei hoje cedo. No caso da MU, os sinais de venda werent muito bom, para ser honesto. O sistema Shark é realmente baseado em dois eventos separados: a ocorrência do padrão e, em seguida, o sinal. O padrão não é o sinal. O sistema dá um sinal se e quando o estoque quebra acima do ponto alto no padrão ao longo dos próximos 25 dias. A alta no primeiro dia do padrão define esse ponto alto. É como um nível de resistência, definido pelo ponto mais alto na barbatana de tubarão. Às vezes o estoque não quebra acima dele, então não há sinal. O padrão do tubarão mostra a consolidação, que pode indicar uma expansão no preço a vir. Mas a fuga não ocorre sempre. Se o estoque quebra abaixo do ponto baixo no padrão, há um sinal de venda. A idéia por trás do sistema é: Procure um padrão de tubarão de três barras, baseado em intervalos progressivamente menores. Parece uma barbatana de tubarão. Uma vez que esse padrão aparece, um nível é definido pelo ponto mais alto na barbatana, que é o alto (-2). Na varredura, eu chamo Sharkhigh nível. Para obter um sinal de compra, o preço tem de fechar acima desse nível dentro de 25 dias. Se você quiser plotar sharkhigh sobre um gráfico com o preço, você pode fazê-lo com a parte BuyOK da fórmula Metastock por traçando isso no Expert Adviser: Comprar: Buyok1 AND Ref (Chk, -1) 0 AND ValidChk1 Comprar OU Ref (Buy, -1) OR Ref (Buy, -2) OU Ref (Buy, -3) OR Ref (Buy, -4) OU Ref (Buy, -5) Para o padrão no Indicator Builder: If ((HltRef (L, -1) e Ref (H, -1) e Ref (L, -1) gtRef (L, -2)), If (apex lt (Ref (H, -2) - (WBSymmetry)) E Apex gt (Ref (L, -2) (WBSymmetry)), 0) Isso é como um nível de resistência que o preço tem de romper. Ele dura 25 dias ou até que um novo sinal Shark aparece. Combinando Estatística e Análise de Padrão, Shark 8211 32 - Walter T. Down, TASC 101998 Equis Primeiro, escolha Expert Adviser a partir do menu Ferramentas no MetaStock 6.5. Em seguida, escolha Novo e insira as seguintes fórmulas: Nome: Clique na guia Nome e insira o Shark 8211 32 no campo Nome. Tendências: Clique na guia Tendências e insira as seguintes fórmulas nos campos Bullish e Bearish. Clique na guia Destaques, escolha Novo e digite a Barra 3 no campo Nome. Agora altere a cor no campo Cor para Azul. Finalmente, digite a seguinte fórmula no campo Condição e, em seguida, escolha OK. Simetria: .28 Apex: (HL) 2 WB: Ref (H, -2) - Ref (L, -2) Tubarão: Se (HltRef (H, -1) E LgtRef H, -1) ltRef (H, -2) E Ref (L, - l) gtRef (L, -2)) 1, Se (Apex lt (Ref (H, -2) - WBSymmetry) (Ref (L, -2) (WBSymmetry)), 1,0), 0) Tubarão Utilizando o mesmo método acima, introduza as seguintes 2 fórmulas de destaque. Nome: 2a Barra Cor: Azul Condição: Simetria: .28 Apex: (HL) 2 WB: Ref (H, -2) - Ref (L, -2) Tubarão: Se (HltRef (H, -1) E LgtRef (L, -1) e Ref (H, -1) ltRef (H, -2) E Ref (L, -1) gtRef ) Ref: (Shark, 1) 1 Nome: 1st Bar Cor: Azul Condição: Simetria: .28 Apex (Ref (L, -2) (WBSymmetry) : (HL) 2 WB: Ref (H, -2) - Ref (L, -2) Tubarão: Se HLtRef (H, -1) E LgtRef LtRef (H, -2) E Ref (L, -1) gtRef (L, -2)) 1, Se (Apex lt (Ref (H, -2) - WBSymmetry) 2) (WBSymmetry)), 1,0), 0) Ref (Shark, 2) 1 Símbolos: Clique na guia Símbolos, escolha Novo e insira Shark Buy no campo Nome. Agora digite a seguinte fórmula no campo Condição. Simetria: .28 Apex: (HL) 2 WB: Ref (H, -2) - Ref (L, -2) Tubarão: Se (HltRef (H, -1) E LgtRef H, -1) ltRef (H, -2) E Ref (L, -1) gtRef (L, -2)) 1, Se (apex lt (Ref (H, -2) - WBSymmetry) (Ref (L, -2) (WBSymmetry)), 1,0), 0) Buyok: Cruz (C, ValueWhen (1, Shark1, Ref (H, -2))) Chk: Cum (Buyok) 1, Shark1, Cum (Buyok)) ValidChk: Alerta (Shark1,25) Comprar: Buyok1 E Ref (Chk, -1) 0 E ValidChk1 Comprar Clique na guia Gráfico. Altere o símbolo no campo Gráfico para Comprar Seta. Agora altere a cor no campo Cor para Verde. Finalmente, digite Comprar no campo Rótulo e, em seguida, escolha OK. Usando o mesmo método como acima, digite a seguinte fórmula de símbolo. Nome: Venda de Tubarões Simetria: .28 Apex: (HL) 2 WB: Ref (H, -2) - Ref (L, -2) Tubarão: Se (HltRef (H, -1) E LgtRef (L, -1) E Ref (H, -1) ltRef (H, -2) E Ref (L, -1) gtRef (L, -2) WBSymmetry)) E Apex gt (Ref (L, -2) (WBSymmetry)), 1,0), 0) Sellok: Cruz (ValueWhen (1, Shark1, Ref (L, -2) (Sellok) - ValueWhen (1, Shark1, Cum (Sellok)) ValidChk: Alerta (Shark1,25) Vender: Sellok1 E Ref (Chk, -1) 0 AND ValidChk1 Sistema estocástico e RSI Uma fórmula como esta funciona melhor com indicadores de confirmação. Se o MACD 13-34-89 está acima da linha zero (linha roxa na janela 2 acima), ele confirma e tendência de alta eo indicador é geralmente mais preciso. Se o MACD 13-34-89 estiver abaixo da linha zero, então uma pequena indicação do StochRSI pode dar melhores resultados. O SDS 13 também dá excelentes indicadores - neste índice ele teve 4 de 5 sinais vencedores em um período de dois anos. O tempo entre os sinais é naturalmente mais longo. Verifique este método em seus problemas favoritos. (55,21), 5, w) gtref (mov (stoch (55,21), 5, w) - 1) e mov (stoch (55,21), 5, w) lt75 e Mov (stoch (55,21), 5, w) gt20 saída longa (mov (stoch (55,21), 5, w) lt75 e ref (mov (stoch (55,21), 5, w) ) Gt75) entrar em curto (mov (stoch (55,21), 5, w) lt70 e ref (mov (stoch (55,21), 5, w), - 1) gt70) e mov (stoch (55,21 ), 5, w) ltref (mov (stoch (55,21), 5, w), - 1) saída mov curto (stoch (55,21) , 5, w), - 1) e mov (stoch (55,21), 5, w) lt75 e mov (stoch (55,21), 5, w) gt20 SMI-Plex: StochMomentum (2,1,2 ) StochMomentum (3,2,1) StochMomentum (4,2,3) StochMomentum (5,3,5) StochMomentum (8,21,13) StochMomentum (13,25,2) SMI13E-Plex: Mov (StochMomentum , 1,2) StochMomentum (3,2,1) StochMomentum (4,2,3) StochMome ntum (5,3,5) StochMomentum (8,21,13) StochMomentum (13,25,2), 13, E ) Indicador Estocástico Momentum A seguinte fórmula personalizada retorna a inclinação de uma linha. Por exemplo, esta fórmula retorna a inclinação de uma corrida de 14 dias dos preços de fechamento dos títulos. ((14 (Soma (Cum (1) C, 14))) - (Soma (Cum (1), 14) ), 14)) - Pwr (Sum (Cum (1), 14), 2)) Para aplicar isto a diferentes linhas você substituiria C pela sintaxe desejada para a linha. Por exemplo, a inclinação de uma média móvel simples de 25 períodos seria: ((Sum (Cum (1) Mov (C, 25, S), 14)) - (Sum (Cum (1), 14) Sum (Mov (Soma (Poder (Soma (Cum (1), 14), 2) 14)) Você também pode Tornam isso uma fórmula universal usando a variável P. Você poderia então traçar a fórmula em cima de qualquer linha. Para interpretação, consulte o artigo Standard Error Bands, na edição de setembro de 96 da TASC, escrita por Jon Anderson. (21) Soma (C, 21)) (21 Sum (Pwr (Cum (1), 2), 21) - Pwr (Soma (Cum (1), 21), 2)) Cum (1) (Mov (C, 21, S) (1) C, 21) - Soma (Cum (1), 21) Soma (C, 21)) (21 Sum (Pwr (Cum (1), 2) , 21), 2)) 2 (Sqrt ((Sum (Poder (C, 2), 21) - (Potência (Sum (C, 21) (Sum (Pod (Cum (1), 2), 21)) - (Poder (Soma (C) Cum (1), 21), 2) 21)) () (Sum (Cum (1) C, 21) ) (21 Sum (Cum (1) C, 21) - Soma (Cum (1), 21) Soma (C, 21) Pwr (Cum (1), 2), 21) - Pwr (Soma (Cum (1), 21), 2)) Cum (1) (Mov (C, 21, S) , S) (21 Soma (Cum (1) C, 21) - Sum (Cum (1), 21) Soma (C, 21)) Pwr (Sum (Cum (1), 21), 2)) - 2 (Sqrt ((Sum (Poder (C, 2), 21) ((Soma (Cum (1) C, 21)) - ((Sum (Cum (1), 21) Soma (C, 21) 21))) ) (Poder (Soma (Cum (1), 21), 2) 21)) ((Soma (Cum (1) C, 21) , 21) Soma (C, 21) 21))) 19)), 3, S) 21 Período R2 (suavizado): 21 Período de Regressão: (((Sum (Cum (1) C, 21) Sum (Cum (1), 21) Soma (C, 21) 21)) - (Poder (Sum (Cum (1), 21) ) 21))) () (21))) (FML (21 faixa inferior do período (alisada))) FML (21 período de banda superior (suavizada) : Mov ((21Sum (Cum (1) C, 21) - Sum (Cum (1), 21) Soma (C, 21)) Pwr (Soma (Cum (1), 21), 2)) Cum (1) (Mov (C, 21, S) (Cum (1), 21) Soma (C, 21)), 21) - Pwr (Soma (Cum (1), 21), 2))), 3, S) A seguinte fórmula é uma média móvel de três dias de um Stochastic de 14 dias. No MetaStock para Windows, esta seria a linha de indicador que é plotada com o construído no indicador estocástico Mov ((((((C - LLV (L, 14)) (HHV (H, 14) ), 3, S) Pense nos preços de segurança como resultado de uma batalha cara a cara entre um touro (o comprador) e um urso (o vendedor). Os touros empurrar os preços mais altos e os ursos empurrar os preços mais baixos. Os preços de direção realmente mover revela quem está ganhando a batalha. Os níveis de sustentação indicam o preço onde a maioria dos investidores acredita que os preços irão se mover mais alto, e os níveis de resistência indicam o preço no qual a maioria dos investidores sente que os preços se moverão mais baixos. Para criar o indicador de suporte e resistência em MetaStock use a seguinte fórmula personalizada: LookBack: Input (Look Back Períodos, 1,1000,10) Resistência: ValueWhen (1, Cross (Mov (C, LookBack, S), C), HHV (H, LookBack)) Suporte: ValueWhen (1, Cross (C, Mov (C, LookBack, S)), LLV (L, LookBack) Resistance Support Para usar esta fórmula de forma mais eficaz, Para uma linha pontilhada enquanto aumenta a ponderação da linha. Neste número, Dennis L. Tilley usa suporte e resistência para confirmar sinais de cruzamento de preço e SMA em seu artigo QuotSimple Moving Average com Resistance e Supportquot. No MetaStock para Windows, você pode facilmente recriar os indicadores SMARS discutidos no artigo Tilleys. Primeiro, escolha Indicator Builder no menu Ferramentas no MetaStock 6.5. Em seguida, escolha Novo e digite as seguintes fórmulas: Resistência e Suporte LookBack: Entrada (quotLook Back Periodsquot, 1,1000,10) Resistência: ValueWhen (1, Cross (Mov (C, LookBack, S), C), HHV , LookBack)) Suporte: ValueWhen (1, Cruz (C, Mov (C, LookBack, S)), LLV (L LookBack)) Resistência Suporte PrCnt: Entrada (quotPercentagequot, 0,100,10) LookBack: Input (quotLook Back Periodsquot , 1,1000,10) Resistência: ValueWhen (1, Cross (Mov (C, LookBack, S), C), HHV (H LookBack)) Suporte: S)), LLV (L, LookBack)) Resistência (100-prcnt) 100) Suporte ((prcnt100) 1) Nota: É muito mais fácil ver a diferença entre as linhas reais quotResistance e Supportquot eo quotResistance e Support F Quot linhas se você alterar a cor andor estilo de um deles. Para exibir os indicadores no MetaStock 6.5 Arraste o indicador quotMoving Averagequot da Indicador QuickList para a janela de preço. Escolha Simples como o método, insira os períodos de tempo e clique em OK. Agora, arraste o indicador quotResistance e Supportquot da QuickList para a janela de preço. Você será solicitado a digitar os períodos quotLook Backquot. Você deve selecionar os mesmos períodos de tempo usados ​​com o quotMoving Averagequot. Finalmente, arraste o indicador quotResistance e Support Fquot para a janela de preço. Você será solicitado a digitar os períodos quotPercentagequot e QuotLook Backquot. Se você quiser que o indicador seja uma diferença de 10 da linha quotResistance e Supportquot, digite 10. Você deve selecionar os mesmos períodos de tempo usados ​​com o quotMoving Averagequot. As seguintes fórmulas do MetaStock são do artigo de janeiro de 1998 TASC quotSoothing Techniques para mais precisos Signalsquot, por Tim Tillson. Consulte seu artigo para interpretação. Mais técnicas de suavização sofisticadas podem ser usadas para determinar a tendência do mercado. Melhor reconhecimento de tendência pode ser levado a sinais de negociação mais precisos. quotNAVY Comando Espacial Descoberto Comando Espacial NAVY Descoberto Comando Espacial Naval A Pegasus Apresentação Nota: Este será um grande post e levará algum tempo para transferir todo o material e verificar links e erros Assim por favor mantenha fora postagem até que eu sou feito, agradecimentos Também para o squeamish eu adicionarei este alerta. A maioria dos links que não estão no meu site são links. MIL, então não diga que eu não o avisei Muitos de vocês sabem que por anos John e eu insistimos em haver um programa astronauta secreto. Temos tomado o abuso de todos estes anos, mas hoje é hora de apresentar um caso para isso. É nossa afirmação que a Marinha dos EUA está no comando, apesar da existência do Comando Espacial da USAF, assim como em Star Trek é a Marinha que comanda a frota espacial. Gary McKinnons reivindicar a fama não é que ele encontrou UFOs ou UFO tecnologia de energia livre, a sua única reivindicação é que ele viu uma imagem de um desses navios da frota espacial. E encontrou uma lista de oficiais não terrestres. Estes não foram ET, mas tarugos no espaço por nossas forças armadas. Então vamos começar nossa jornada. Como este é um trabalho enorme em andamento para mim, por favor perdoe se eu pule um pouco ao princípio tentando colocar isso em ordem. Vou começar com algo que Weed Wacker me enviou. Agora Weed Wacker é um cético na maioria das vezes, e espero que eu não o envergonhar (muito) com isso. O que ele enviou foi um filme sobre Orbital Mechanics. Uma produção básica agradável para iniciantes. No entanto o que é importante neste vídeo é os poucos segundos dos créditos de abertura. Que era por que pensou de mim, com a mandíbula que arrastou na terra. Vôo Espacial: Aplicação de Mecânica Orbital AVA18245VNB1 - 1994 Nos créditos iniciais vemos que o Comando Espacial Naval está listado ABAIXO DA NASA. Este vídeo foi trazido a minha atenção por Weed Wacker, um membro de ATS. Normalmente um céptico stanch, ele foi ligado este vídeo para debunk um tópico. Mas quando viu os créditos de abertura e ficou chocado. Então ele enviou para mim. Seus pequenos pedaços que compõem um quebra-cabeça e vamos ver toda a imagem. Embora tenhamos dito há anos que a Marinha dos EUA executa o programa espacial real ea NASA é apenas uma frente bonita para o público, até que eu vi este filme nem eu ou minha equipe ter atravessado este emblema antes (veja abaixo) Quanto a Gary McKinnons Navio Espacial e Oficiais Não Terrestres. Seu maior erro foi entrar na porta dos fundos. Que realmente fica com eles chateado e ele está pagando o preço, mas a Marinha é muito mais próxima com informações do que a NASA é e se você pedir-lhes bem, você ficaria surpreso com o que você começa Assim como para o navio espacial ou frota. Muitos têm insinuado isso ao longo dos anos eo nome de Warden Solar vai tocar sinos com muitos e fazer com que outros gemem. Eu não acredito que é o nome real do projeto, mas faz o ponto que nós não somos os únicos nesta trilha. Agora tenha em mente que ainda há pouca prova dura. Mas ao longo dos anos, veio à luz coisas para nos apoiar. Você terá que seguir toda a apresentação para ver todas as peças do quebra-cabeça e amarrá-los juntos. A informação às vezes nos dá pistas de lugares estranhos. Por exemplo, em uma declaração do Comando Espacial da Força Aérea, temos essa pequena dica. Em um Comunicado de Imprensa dos Comandos do Espaço da Força Aérea. Após o ponto de contato. Há uma referência interessante. As operações espaciais e de advertência de mísseis foram combinadas para formar o Comando Espacial da Força Aérea em 1982. Durante a Guerra Fria, as operações espaciais centraram-se no aviso de mísseis e no comando e controlo da liderança nacional. Em 1991, a Operação Tempestade no Deserto deu ênfase para os comandos de novo foco no apoio ao guerreiro. As forças do ICBM foram fundidas em AFSPC em 1993. Ponto de contato Comando Espacial da Força Aérea Escritório de Assuntos Públicos 150 Vandenberg St. Suite 1105 Peterson AFB, CO 80914-4500 (719) xxx-xxxx ou DSN 692-3731 Na Cultura Popular Na TV popular Série Stargate SG-1 e Stargate Atlantis, o Programa Stargate é executado pelo Comando Espacial da Força Aérea. O remendo do comando do espaço do AF foi vestido no uniforme do pessoal a bordo do Prometheus, primeiro cruzador de batalha operacional profundo do espaço das terras. Este folheto desde então foi atualizado para um mais recente, mas a citação ainda é copiada na Wikipedia Quanto aos Oficiais Não-Terrestres, subscrevo uma revista impressa do Comando Espacial. High Frontier A Revista para Profissionais de Espaço e Mísseis Na edição de Verão de 2004 existe este aviso. Comando Espacial Geral Kevin P. Chilton Comandante, Comando Espacial da Força Aérea O estabelecimento do Comando Espacial é um marco importante na evolução das operações espaciais militares. O espaço é um lugar - como terra, mar e ar - um teatro de operações. E era apenas uma questão de tempo até que o espaço fosse tratado como tal. Comandante do Espaço Naval Com início em meados dos anos 80, em paralelo com o desenvolvimento de programas espaciais e de engenharia espacial na Escola Naval de Pós-Graduação, a Marinha começou a codificar os oficiais como subespecialistas espaciais. À medida que os códigos de subespecialidade espacial eram então atribuídos a oficiais particulares em cargos de pessoal da Frota numerada e em comandos em terra, o serviço começou a designar membros da Marinha com códigos correspondentes a essas posições. Mais recentemente, a Marinha começou esforços para construir um quadro de inteligentes oficiais do espaço, pessoal alistado e funcionários civis. O Quadro Naval do Espaço é composto por oficiais da Marinha e Corpo de Fuzileiros Navais e pessoal alistado, juntamente com funcionários civis da Marinha de uma ampla gama de campos de carreira que atendem aos requisitos obrigatórios de educação, treinamento e experiência estabelecidos para um nível de certificação específico. O Quadro Espacial da Marinha é um corpo distinto de expertise horizontalmente e verticalmente integrado dentro da Marinha e Corpo de Fuzileiros Navais de serviço ativo, reservas e comunidades de funcionários civis organizados para operacionalizar o espaço Identificação inicial do quadro começou em meados de 2001 com a standup do Naval Space Cadre Working Grupo e culminou com uma mensagem naval (NAVADMIN 20103 DTG211435Z JUL 03) anunciando os primeiros 700 oficiais membros do quadro. Esses oficiais foram identificados pelos códigos de subespecialidade de 6206, Operações de Sistemas Espaciais e 5500, Engenharia de Sistemas Espaciais ou pelo designador de qualificação adicional de VS1, VS2, VS3 ou VS4. Identificação de recrutados e membros de quadro civil é mais desafiador, como estes grupos não têm identificadores de espaço específico como os oficiais fazem. Aproximadamente 265 tarugos são atualmente identificados como tarugos de espaço. Esses empregos estão nas organizações da Marinha, do Joint e da Segurança Nacional. Os membros do quadro espacial são atualmente designados em toda a arena do Espaço de Segurança Nacional, incluindo o Escritório Nacional de Reconhecimento, o Arquiteto do Espaço de Segurança Nacional, a Integração do Espaço de Segurança Nacional, o Escritório do Programa Conjunto MILSATCOM e todas as organizações da Marinha que lidam com espaço. High Frontier O Diário de Profissionais de Espaço e Mísseis de Verão de 2004 Não há nenhuma cópia on-line disponível, mas vou enviar um PDF para um inquérito sério Então lá nós temos. Primeiros 700 membros oficiais do quadro, identificados pelos códigos de subespecialidade de 6206, Operações de Sistemas Espaciais e 5500, Engenharia de Sistemas Espaciais. Com 265 tarugos atualmente identificados como tarugos espaciais. Esses trabalhos estão na Marinha. Ok, de volta à História Se esperarmos tempo suficiente. Eventualmente a verdade sai. Quando John estava aqui, tínhamos um fio em missões de ônibus secretos. Eu estava prestes a fazer um fio no primeiro corpo de astronautas secretos para provar um ponto, quando PBS NOVA nos pegou com Astrospies. Eu juro que eles bisbilhotaram no meu computador. Mas heck, eu não me importo, porque com seus recursos e sua credibilidade, eles poderiam fazer o trabalho melhor do que eu poderia ter. E desde aquela época ninguém me incomoda sobre a existência de astronautas secretos. Basta imaginar que, se demorou 50 anos para nos dizer isso, o que eles ainda têm que nos dizer segredo astronautas Crédito: NASA Conheça oito astronautas do programa de laboratório órbita tripulados. Alguém me enviou uma foto autografada. Não uma carta, nenhum endereço de retorno. Apenas a imagem. Era semelhante a este. Uma foto da liberação de imprensa assinada padrão da NASA. O astronauta Richard Truly Por que ele é significativo Bem, até que eu tenho a foto e olhei para ele (de novo), eu realmente não tinha prestado atenção a ele, exceto que ele foi listado como um dos astronautas secretos na seção Astrospies, e tinha colocado ele em A prateleira por assim dizer para posterior acompanhamento. Às vezes eu fico tão enterrado com dados que eu esqueço de limpar essa prateleira de vez em quando. Então quem me enviou essa foto. AGRADECIMENTOS para o nudge Aqui está o que nós tivemos na prateleira. Vice-almirante Richard H. Verdadeiramente, Marinha dos Estados Unidos É difícil descrever o quão duro todos trabalhamos no MOL. Mas foi uma grande parte de nossas vidas e, por causa de quão duro nós trabalhamos, todos nós aprendemos muito sobre nós mesmos e nossas habilidades. - vice-almirante Richard H. Truly editar em 15-8-2009 por zorgon Astronaut Richard Truly Richard Harrison Verdadeiramente nasceu 12 de novembro de 1937, em Fayette, Mississippi. Frequentou o Instituto de Tecnologia da Geórgia, onde obteve seu bacharelado em engenharia aeronáutica em 1959. Em 1964, frequentou a Escola de Pilotos de Teste da Força Aérea na Base da Força Aérea de Edwards, na Califórnia, onde mais tarde se tornou instrutor. Seguindo o MOL, Richard Truly se juntou à NASA e tornou-se membro da equipe de suporte de astronauta e comunicador de cápsulas (CAPCOM) para as três missões Skylab tripuladas em 1973, bem como a missão Apollo-Soyuz de 1975. Ele pilotou Columbia em 1981 e serviu como comandante de ônibus espacial durante a terceira missão Challenger em 1983, após o que ele deixou a NASA para se tornar o primeiro comandante do Comando Espacial Naval. Ele retornou à NASA um mês após a trágica explosão do Challenger que matou todos os sete tripulantes em 1986. Verdadeiramente se tornou chefe da agência por três anos, começando em 1989. Já um vice-almirante aposentado na Marinha dos EUA, ele já ocupou vários Acadêmicos, governamentais e profissionais. Suas decorações incluem a Medalha de Serviço Distinto de Defesa, a Medalha de Serviço Superior de Defesa, duas Legiões de Mérito e a Distinta Cruz Voadora, além de uma série de honras da NASA. Realmente deixou a NASA em 1983 para se tornar o primeiro comandante do Comando Espacial Naval, Dahlgren, Virgínia. Ele serviu como Administrador da NASA de 1989 a 1992. Assim, a partir do primeiro programa de Astronautas Secretos, através do Vice-Almirante da Marinha, através da diretoria da NASA, ao primeiro Comandante do Comando Espacial da Marinha, eu diria que estabelecemos que o programa é real. Agora em um tópico recente aqui no ATS eu apresentei algum material que era interessante. Eu não direi que segmento ou o que era sobre. Durante o curso do tópico fui contactado por várias pessoas eo diálogo ainda está em curso. Durante esse discurso por e-mail, uma das pessoas que me apresentaram foi John L Philips. A razão que eu estou sendo críptico é porque esta porta foi aberta para mim e eu ainda não tive a chance de entrar e ver onde ele leva. Então eu não tenho nenhuma intenção de estragar uma coisa boa. No entanto, uma vez que o seguinte documento está em domínio público. Vou jogá-lo aqui como uma coincidência interessante e acompanhamento mais tarde, quando eu puder. (Também há watchers aqui) Eu também não faço nenhuma reivindicação a respeito de seu status atual à excepção do que é escrito na seguinte biografia da NASA. Assim que não esteja pondo palavras em minha boca. Nascido em 15 de abril de 1951 em Fort Belvoir, na Virgínia, mas considera Scottsdale, Arizona como sua cidade natal, mas não acredita em coincidências. John L. Phillips (Ph. D.) Astronauta da NASA DADOS PESSOAIS: Casado com a ex-Laura Jean Doell da Scotia, Nova York. Eles têm dois filhos. Gosta de esquiar, nadar, caiaque e caminhadas. EDUCAÇÃO: Graduado de Scottsdale High School, Arizona, em 1966 recebeu um B. S. Graduado em matemática pela Academia Naval dos EUA em 1972, um M. S. Em sistemas aeronáuticos da Universidade da Flórida Ocidental em 1974 e um M. S. E Ph. D. Em geofísica e física espacial da UCLA em 1984 e 1987, respectivamente. HONORES ESPECIAIS: O Merit Scholar se graduou em segundo de 906 na USNA e recebeu a Medalha de Voo Espacial da NASA, a Medalha de Serviço Distinguido da NASA, a Medalha Gagarin, o Diploma Komarov, o Prêmio Distintivo de Desempenho do Laboratório Nacional de Los Alamos e vários prêmios militares. Então aqui temos um distinto cavalheiro que é um astronauta NAVYNASA, detém dois dos prêmios RUSSIAs maior espaço e tem conexões Los Alamos. EXPERIÊNCIA DE VÔO ESPACIAL: STS-100 Endeavor (19 de abril a 1 de maio de 2001). Durante a missão de 12 dias, orbita 187, a tripulação entregou e instalou com sucesso o braço robótico Canadarm-2. Eles também entregaram experiências e suprimentos a bordo do Módulo de Logística Multi-Uso Raffaelloon em seu vôo inaugural. Phillips era o coordenador de vôo de AscentEntry e era o coordenador intravehicular da atividade durante duas caminhadas do espaço. ISS Expedition 11 (15 de abril a 10 de outubro de 2005). Phillips lançou do Cosmodrome de Baikonur em Kazakhstan a bordo de Soyuz TMA-6, e serviu como o oficial da ciência e o engenheiro de vôo da NASA a bordo do ISS. Durante sua estada de seis meses a bordo da ISS, a tripulação continuou a manutenção da estação, trabalhou com experimentos científicos, realizou uma caminhada espacial em trajes espaciais russos do Airlock de Pirs e hospedou a visita de retorno ao Space Shuttle Discovery (STS-114). A tripulação do ISS-11 desembarcou no Cazaquistão em 10 de outubro de 2005. Ao completar sua segunda missão, Phillips registrou 179 dias e 23 minutos no espaço, incluindo um EVA totalizando 4 horas e 58 minutos. Leia o resto aqui. É uma carreira impressionante. John Phillips Bio jsc. nasa. gov. Sua descrição de trabalho atual. Um especialista em robótica que apóia operações em missões presentes e futuras. Eu acho que vou nick nome dele Scotty ainda tem uma pequena semelhança Para o OP vou apenas listar esses programas com um breve referecnce e mais tarde vou expandir sobre eles. Há muito que amarrar no programa espacial da MARINHA e este tomará um quando para unir o OBSERVATÓRIO NAVAL dos EU Nós todos sabemos este e foi em torno desde dezembro, 1830 O observatório naval dos Estados Unidos (USNO) é um do mais velho Agências científicas nos Estados Unidos. Localizado no Noroeste de Washington, DC, é um dos poucos observatórios astronômicos localizados em uma área urbana no momento de sua construção, estava longe da poluição luminosa gerada pelo (então-menor) centro da cidade. Estabelecido por ordem do Secretário da Marinha John Branch em 6 de dezembro de 1830 como o Depósito de Cartas e Instrumentos, o Observatório surgiu de humildes começos. Colocado sob o comando do tenente Louis M. Goldsborough, com um orçamento anual de 330, a sua função principal era a restauração, reparação e classificação dos instrumentos de navegação. Foi transformado em um observatório nacional em 1842 através de uma lei federal e uma apropriação do Congresso de 25.000. O tenente James Melville Gilliss foi encarregado do projeto, que foi concluído em 1844. A principal missão dos observadores era cuidar dos cronômetros marítimos Navys dos Estados Unidos, cartas e outros equipamentos de navegação. Calibrava cronômetros dos navios cronometrando o trânsito das estrelas através do meridiano. Inicialmente localizado no centro em Foggy Bottom (perto do Lincoln Memorial), o observatório foi transferido para sua localização atual em 1893, no topo Observatory Hill com vista para Massachusetts Avenue, em meio perfeitamente circulares. Agora, o USNO tem sido apontado por pessoas de conspiração como sendo no meio disso John Lear com o HansenSimon Newcomb Lunar atmosfera acordo Z Sitchin usando R Harringtons trabalho para o Planeta X Time manipulação envolvendo o Projeto Filadélfia e atualmente questões envolvendo encurtamento de tempo e O fator de Ressonância de Schumann Aqui estão alguns links: Observatório Naval dos Estados Unidos (USNO) - Main Site Oficial usno. navy. mil. Observatório Naval dos Estados Unidos (USNO) - portal do tempo usno. navy. mil. Editar em 15-8-2009 por zorgon Agora, este todo mundo, pelo menos em ATS, deve saber até agora que Clementine não era um programa da NASA. Mas em todo o fórum e na internet ainda vejo as pessoas dizerem que foi um show da NASA Bem, não era um programa militar da Guerra nas Estrelas. O Laboratório de Pesquisa Naval não está afiliado de forma alguma com qualquer organização que vende propriedade lunar ou área cultivada na Lua. A NRL não tem qualquer envolvimento, oficial ou extra-oficial, no fornecimento de serviços pós-venda para a compra de imóveis lunares da Embaixada Lunar, seus franqueados ou quaisquer organizações similares. Disputes arising from the purchase of lunar property from such organizations must be resolved with the seller directly. NRL was responsible for the design, manufacture, integration, and mission execution of the Clementine spacecraft for the Ballistic Missile Defense Organization. During its two-month orbit of the Moon in 1994, Clementine captured 1.8 million images of the Moons surface. The Laboratory provides the Clementine Lunar Image Browser as a courtesy to scientific researchers, as well as the general public, and you are welcome to browse the over 170,000 images that are available. Version 1.5 of the Navy Browser. (the one everyone uses for anomaly hunting) cmf. nrl. navy. mil. Notice the URL is NRL. NAVY. MIL No NASA Version 2.0 of the Navy Browser. nrl. navy. mil. Notice the URL is NRL. NAVY. MIL No NASA In actual fact the Clementine data produced color images, covered here. Revealed for the First Time Color Images of the Moon from Clementine Satellite abovetopsecret. The Clementine Satellite - PDF - Official LLNL report and statistics llnl. gov. U. S. Department of Defense Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Public Affairs) News Transcript Tuesday, December 3, 1996 Subject: Discovery of Ice on the Moon Q: Can you update us on. The colonel mentioned that by the time he got to the office in 1989 it was pretty clear the U. S. wasnt going to deploy a space-based missile defense system. Whats happened to the Star Wars program How is your office changing What are you using this technology for today A: Although many of the space platforms that were really envisioned as part of the Strategic Defense Initiative Organization program back in 1989 have not been supported and continued because of the change in emphasis, including the name of the organization to the Ballistic Missile Defense Organization, were now primarily focused on theater missile defense and national missile defense -- defense of the U. S. continent and Alaska and Hawaii with a much reduced threat. And of course we have the demise of the Cold War to thank for that. However, there is still a space-borne component to our theater and national missile defense architecture, and that is the space-based infrared satellite. That will allow us to do tracking, particularly in boost and in the mid-course phases of the trajectory of a ballistic missile. So all the technologies that were demonstrated on Clementine are technologies that we would hope would be either used or would be the grand-daddies of technologies that we would eventually use in our space surveillance platforms. So that part of the space architecture is still very much alive. Q: But the role of the so-called Star Wars system now has shifted to more of a surveillance, as opposed to shooting something down. A: No, it is still based on shooting down ballistic missiles by impact with interceptors. So this technology is important in order to track and pass the track files on to the interceptors in order to allow them to hit their targets. So its very much a part of the architecture. Q: That translates to what in volume A: We were very conservative in the press release, but if you take basically 100 square kilometers by roughly 50 feet, you get a volume of something like a quarter of a cubic mile, I think its on that order. Its a considerable amount, but its not a huge glacier or anything like that. Q: Can you compare that with something you know A: Its a lake. A small lake. On Wherefore Art Though Clementine. The Clementine spacecraft has many mysteries surrounding it, but the name sake. where is Clementine Lost and gone forever Well not quite. Here is our work on Clementine. Wherefore Art Thou Clementine - The Mystery of Clementine Explored thelivingmoon. Q: Where is Clementine now A: The spacecraft, as you know, from the name Clementine, is only supposed to be here for a short period of time and be lost and gone forever, so it was intended for a very short period of time after this lunar mission, did a rendezvous with the earth, and shortly after that was shifted by the moons gravity and continued a flight which will bring it back near the earth about nine years from now. So its an 11 year total flight around the sun. So basically its moving like a little planet around the sun, and it will bring it back close to us in about nine years. Its two years since it left us so it will be another nine years before its back. But its not useful right now. The mission is finished. Q: But unlike its namesake, its not lost and gone forever. It will be back A: It will be back, but its not a useful spacecraft any more. The above quotes are from the Pentagon Press Release issued in 1996 but not online till Oct 2006 DoD News Briefing Presenter: Dr. Dwight Duston, Assistant Deputy for Technology, Ballistic Missile Defense Organization defenselink. mil. edit on 15-8-2009 by zorgon THE TETHER INCIDENT For some time in many threads, mostly those dealing with the infamous STS 75 Tether Incident and NASAs bungling loss of the satellite, I have dropped hints about the OTHER tether satellite flown by the NAVY only a month later. It was used for two years for laser experiments and as far as I know it is still being spotted by amateurs, at least it was a few years ago. It first flew in 1996 and I have an amateur video of it passing over in the summer of 2004 with an Astrovid StellaCam EX by apolloisgo (link later) Now very few people even asked me about it and yet info on it was even available back then in public channels. Its one of my pet peeves, people saying they are searching for truth, but then even when you rub their noses into it, they still dont see it. I got the usual ribbing from certain skeptics, who didnt even bother to do a simple search. Well this satellite was flown and they shot lasers at it from two locations on Earth. One was the Advanced Electro Optical System (AEOS) Mount Haleakala, Maui, Hawaii run by the Air Force and this was the location they took photos of the satellite in orbit. The other location was the Starfire Optical Range in Kirtland AFB in New Mexico thelivingmoon. There is a similar facility in Russia that I knew about and managed to find on Google Earth It is called OKNO ELINT and on that project the Russians said we had THREE. well I found Starfire and AEOS no problem, but the third eluded me though it was already on my list. HELSTAF High Energy Laser Systems Test Facility - White Sands, New Mexico thelivingmoon. This was the Russian Article I used to track it down on GE enews. ferghana. ru. OKNO Sourcebook - 242 page PDF report fas. org. So back to the tether. the purpose of firing the lasers at it was to test the concept of transmitting power to satellites in space via high powered lasers. The new optical systems compensate for atmospheric dispersal. My next thread will deal with that topic in detail. and a little later I will show you one more awesome NAVY project. The NAVY Tether is called TiPS Tether Physics and Survivability experiment. Some public links. Now those sites will give you basic details. Graphic of the US Naval Research Laboratorys TiPS tether satellite. Note that only a small part of the 4 km tether is shown deployed. This is the actual size of tether cable But when I first found this a few years a go the info was on this URL (which now gives you a redirect) Catchy URL to be sure, eh I contacted the NAVY webmaster for permission to reprint the data as it was now declassified and received that permission Here are the links to the data and photos Tether Physics and Survivability Experiment (TiPS) - Naval Research Laboratory thelivingmoon. Processed TiPS Images From MSSSAMOS - Naval Research Laboratory thelivingmoon. Tether Physics and Survivability Experiment (TiPS) - Naval Research Laboratory projects. nrl. navy. mil. - (the hyperspace. nrl. navy. mil. link is still on this page - I didnt make it up ) Video of lasing the Satellite Download TiPS MPEG Video (382 kb) thelivingmoon. Youtube Capture by an amateur in 2004 but just posted to youtube in 2007 edit on 15-8-2009 by zorgon NRL - The High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program nrl. navy. mil. Navys Record-Breaking Railgun Shot Screen capture from the Video. notice the logo on the target shows the rail gun in space. Can someone translate that Latin Navys Record-Breaking Railgun Shot Video Naval Surface Warfare Center, Dahlgren, Virginia nswc. navy. mil. Topic b. Development of new technologies that would allow commercial space-based or conventional aircraft sensors to detect man-made structures hidden beneath heavy (triple canopy) jungle foliage. Consideration will be given to low cost, low footprint concepts that can be prototyped in less than 6 months. Space to NAVELEX Exploration Helps Drive Navy Reorganization Efforts to conquer space began in earnest in the early 1960s when the first U. S. manned spacecraft Freedom 7 was successfully launched and recovered May 5, 1961. Both Astronaut Alan Shepard and the Freedom 7 were flown safely by helicopter to the deck of the USS Lake Champlain within 11 minutes of landing. With that successful recovery, President John F. Kennedy challenged the nation to land men on the moon and return them safely to earth before 1970. Space Program drives Navy to reorganization. In answer to the challenge, NASA launched the Apollo Space Program. It soon became apparent that supporting the space program would be a significant priority for the Navy. Indeed, support of the space program and the launching of its own satellite navigation systems drove a number of organizational changes within the Navy. Along with some existing challenges the Navy had been battling for some time. Naval Space Command (NAVSPACECOM) (U) (U) Headquartered at Dahlgren, Virginia, NAVSPACECOM began operations October 1, 1983. NAVSPACECOM uses the medium of space and its potential to provide essential information and capabilities to ashore and afloat naval forces by: - Operating assigned systems - Executing missions assigned by USCINCSPACE - Advocating naval warfighting requirements in the joint arena and - Advising, supporting, and assisting naval services through training and by developing space plans, programs, budgets, policies, concepts, and doctrine. (U) NAVSPACECOM also serves as the naval service component of the United States Space Command (USSPACECOM), established in 1985. Component responsibilities include operating assigned space systems to provide surveillance and warning, as well as providing spacecraft telemetry and on-orbit engineering support. In addition, NAVSPACECOM provides facilities and staffs a command center 24 hours a day to serve as the Alternate Space Control Center (ASCC) for USSPACECOMs primary center located at Cheyenne Mountain Air Force Base, Colo. ASCC missions include operational direction of the entire global Space Surveillance Network for CINCSPACE. The ASCC also detects, tracks, identifies, and catalogs all man-made objects in space and provides ephemeris on these objects to approximately1,000 customers. It also monitors the space environment and informs owners and operators of U. S. and allied space systems of potential threat to their assets by continuous liaison with the systems operations centers. Finally, NAVSPACECOM provides administrative oversight for two Echelon 3 operational Navy activities: the Naval Satellite Operations Center (NAVSOC) and the Fleet Surveillance Support Command (FLTSURVSUPPCOM). US Naval Space Command Space Surveillance System One of the lesser-known assets of the US Space Commands world-wide space surveillance system is the 217 MHz NAVSPASUR fence across the southern US. The following items from various sources (indicated in italics) give some basic information about the system, its history and use. US Naval Space Command Space Surveillance System fas. org. US NAVY Program Executive Office Space Systems PEO Space Systems Organization Info The PEO Space Systems mission is to develop, acquire, integrate, produce, launch, test and provide operational support to reliable, affordable, flexible, effective and seamless space systems that support DOD and U. S. agencies to enable joint, coalition, combined and naval operations. PEO Space Systems coordinates all Department of the Navy space research, development and acquisition activities. US NAVY Program Executice Office Space Systems enterprise. spawar. navy. mil. Naval Space Command The naval services growing dependence on space prompted the Secretary of the Navy to establish a new command that would consolidate space activities and organizations that operate and maintain naval space systems. This new organization - the Naval Space Command - was commissioned on October 1, 1983. It was a decisive move to bring together several activities under a single command to strengthen operational control, provide a central focal point for naval space matters, and more effectively guide future operational uses of space. No I am not suggesting the Japanese Lunar Orbiter is connected to the NAVY. In the spacecraft Kaguya SELENE stands for SELenological and ENgineering Explorer JAXA SELenological and ENgineering Explorer KAGUYA (SELENE) jaxa. jp. The NAVY SELENE stands for SpacE Laser ENergy Why this odd acronym Good question. maybe it does have something to do with the Japanese Moon Ship after all Information is difficult to find but we have some things to go on. Exuberant1 has been working to track this one down, as well as other info on lasers to transfer power from Earth to satellite, from satellite to ground, and from satellite to satellite. SELENE has the ability to send POWER TO THE MOON. think about the implications of THAT. NAOMISELENE site design Hislop, Arthur Q. Malik, John L. Richter, David J. Bennett, Harold E. Proc. SPIE Vol. 2376, p. 297-314, Laser Power Beaming II, Harold E. Bennett Richard D. Doolittle Eds. The Birchum Mesa SELENE (Space Laser Energy) facility will be dual use facility as it provides for progressive development of high power Free Electron Lasers (FEL) and commercial laser beam power transfer to space-borne vehicles. The facility will be comprised of SELENE mainsite containing two laser system bays and supporting facilities with transport tunnels coupling to the Beam Transfer Optical System (BTOS) which is the active optical array space beam director with its supporting facility. The first generation commercial grade laser will operate at 100 kW of quasi-CW laser power with a planned growth to 10 MW of output power. The BTOS beam director will direct a focus compensated laser power beam to provide power service to space vehicles within a - 50 degree (half angle from zenith) tracking cone service field. An underground hardened site is proposed for this facility to mitigate any potentially hazardous effects from operation of a very high energy CW electron beam laser, to protect the facility from inadvertent weapons splashdown during range Test and Evaluation operations, and to create minimum environmental impact upon historical and ecological elements of the range. Advantages of China Lake for laser power beaming Bennett, Harold E. Proc. SPIE Vol. 2376, p. 280-296 Laser Power Beaming II, Harold E. Bennett Richard D. Doolittle Eds. The site for the proposed National Advanced Optic Mission Initiative (NAOMI) facility will be in the mountains near China Lake, California. This location has 260 clear days per year (more than any other feasible site in the U. S.). In 1993 there were 5 completely overcast days all year. The area near the proposed site is unpopulated. The solar insolation in this general area is the greatest of any area in the United States. The NAOMI system will be installed at an altitude of 5600 feet. Astronomical seeing there is excellent. Even at a less favored site than that planned for NAOMI the average Fried seeing coefficient ro is 12 cm in the visible region and 20 cm values of ro (comparable to the best observatories) are commonly observed. The area is centrally located in and entirely surrounded by one of the largest restricted airspacemilitary operating airspace complexes in the United States, 12 of the entire airspace in California. Electrical power is available from either the nearly Coso Geothermal plant, second largest in the United States, or from the even closer cogeneration plant at Trona, California. Cooling water can be obtained from the nearby area or from the lake itself. Although a dry playa, the lake has a high brackish groundwater level. Most of the commercial satellites over the U. S. could be reached by a lasertelescope system located on government land at the Naval Air Weapons Station (NAWS) military reservation at China Lake. This telescopelaser system will be a prototype for five other systems planned for around the world. The complex will provide laser power beaming to all satellites and put the United States into the position of world leader in satellite technology and power beaming to space. Now the part about beaming power via laser to the Moon Beam Transmission Optical System (BTOS) SELENE The development of the Beam Transmission Optical System (BTOS) is a portion of a larger project entitled SpacE Laser Electric ENErgy (SELENE). The SELENE project utilizes a high energy, free electron laser to transfer energy from the ground to orbiting spacecraft or other space targets such as a lunar base 1 BTOS is the systcm that delivers the beam energy from the laser to the target. The primary mission objective of SELENE is to provide energy for operation of geosynchronous satellites including steady-state power for operations, periodic low power for station keeping, periodic high power during eclipses, and high power for transfer orbit apogee burn. 2 SELENE will also provide energy for operation at middle and high earth orbits (MEO) of 3000 kilometers. Another possible usage for SELENE will be to provide energy to a laser-augmented solar-electric orbit transfer vehicle wherein a low earth orbit (LEO) vehicle transfers to geosynchronous orbit (GEO) through a spiral trajectory path. Finally, SELENE will provide continuous steady-state energy for operation of a lunar base. 3 Structural Design Considerations for the Beam Transmission Optical System Paul D. MacNeal and Michael C. Lou, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California As I said I will create a new thread on the LASER POWER Transmission as there is a lot to cover. I just wanted to show the tie in with the NAVY SPACE PROGRAM and the BEAMING OF POWER VIA SUPER LASERS TO SPACE CHINA LAKE Naval Air Warfare Center Weapons Division (NAWCWD) navair. navy. mil. Weapons Division PAO: About China Lake - Ridgecrest navair. navy. mil. Thats all for now. I have lots more to add but I needed to get the thread started. All this data and more is collected on my site. There are many links to sites and papers and it is an on going project, especially as more data is released from the NAVY This just to add because its done. and is NAVY Nothing to do with space And just because its a secret Navy Submarine Base Under the Nevada Desert thelivingmoon. NUWC Naval Underwater Warfare Center - Hawthorne Nevada Division Photo Tour at Gate thelivingmoon. The end. for now A practical demonstration of a Laser BTOS system being used to supply power to a sub-orbital craft (a remote-controlled plane): Flights of the lightweight, radio-controlled model airplane inside a large building at NASA Marshall are believed to be the first time that a plane has been powered only by laser energy. The demonstration was a key step toward the capability to beam power to an aircraft, allowing it to stay in flight indefinitely -- a concept with potential for the scientific community as well as the remote sensing and telecommunications industries. As Zorgon pointed out, not all lasers systems need be Earth-based - In some cases (such as moon missions), it would be far more practical to have solar-pumped laser in orbit. It appears that Langley and NASA have taken an interest in the matter: - solar-pumped lasers in lunar orbit would beam power to the lunar surface for conversion into either electricity or propulsion needs. For example, lunar rovers could be much more flexible and lighter than rovers using other primary power sources - Also, laser power could be absorbed by lunar soil to create a hard glassy surface for dust-free roadways and launch pads - Laser power transmission is shown to be a highly flexible, enabling primary power source for lunar missions. Using lasers to make roads and launchpads. think about that. Along with power transfer and generation, such lasers could be also used in mineral and water extraction (ie. water from the small lake). There are many advantages in using such a flexible power-transfer system. What might these lunar orbiting solar-pumped lasers look like But what about power transmission from the Earth to orbiting satellites and the moon, surely that would be noticed. Here is what you would see if you lacked the proper equipment, and you looked into the sky towards and active BTOS system: Unaided, you would see Nothing: But if you were properly equipped, you would see beams rising up to meet with various satellites, some going to the moon, some even further - the beams which meet satellites are probably not from an observatory. Properly aided, your eyes would see something like this: (Jose Escamilla believes that these these may be Space Elevators. This and other such images can be seen in his new Movie Moon Rising) More information regarding Laser Power Beaming can be found here: thelivingmoon. edit on 15-8-2009 by Exuberant1 The Japanese are currently working on a Space Based Power System which converts solar energy into microwave and laser pulses. Let us hope the beams dont stray off-target: Japan Shooting For Space-Based Solar Power TOKYO (Nikkei)--The government will by the end of this year start developing technologies designed to eventually beam electricity from solar panels in space down to the earth. An artists image of a compact satellite for use in an experiment to transmit power down to the earth. (Courtesy of JAXA) A public solicitation for firms to participate in the endeavor will soon be made the companies may be selected as early as next month. The government expects players in the electronics and heavy electric machinery industries to participate. The hope is to commercialize orbital solar power by 2030. Such a system would have such advantages as generating electricity regardless of the weather on the ground. The project will develop technologies to transmit power down to the earth. The idea is to convert solar electricity into microwaves, which would then be converted back into electricity at the surface. Coincidentally, it is starting to look as if the Japaneses KaguyaSelene mission was actually a part of the larger BTOS SELENE program. If this is the case, then the name selection of the probe-set was probably not by chance. More to come. The Europeans are getting in on the action, and will be testing their own Space Based Power system and will assess a laser-based SBPS concept for Earth and for the lunar surface. Small scale science missions laser power transmissions will also be considered. ESA funds technology for Earth and Moon base SBSP The European Space Agencys general studies programme is to assess a laser-based SBPS concept for Earth and for the lunar surface. Small scale science missions laser power transmissions will also be considered. The ESA work will include an assessment of the integration of space-based solar power plants into terrestrial ones, including innovative approaches to orbit selection and methods for the adaptation of terrestrial solar power plants to serve in addition as receiving stations for space solar power plants. According to the European agency direct solar pumped laser technologies offer the option of increasing total laser conversion efficiencies by an order of magnitude and innovative beam control and steering technologies, laser to electricity conversion systems and a combination of parallel data, power transmission techniques are of interest. edit on 15-8-2009 by Exuberant1 Another awesome post Zorgon I appreciate all the hard work you and others have done to bring this thread to us. SF Probably not related but. I used to wonder why on some shuttle missions there have been former Navy Seals members. odd to me because I assumed that it was either Air Force pilots, teachers or Dr. s of some kind but now Im thinking these guys were part of the Navy Space Command maybe posted on Aug, 15 2009 10:26 AM Well done zorgon. One of the most thorough posts its been my pleasure to have read, although Im still only half way through all the information youve bombarded me with. Just one question (forgive me if youve mentioned this and I havent yet read it) but where do you think these space craft launch from Even if they launched from one of the sea based sites surely someone would see it Maybe they have and the launches have been recorded as UFO sightings Once again, well done. NAVY Space Command Uncovered NAVY Space Command Uncovered Naval Space Command A Pegasus Presentation Note: This will be a large post and will take me some time to transfer all the material and check links and errors so please hold off posting until I am done, thanks Also for the squeamish I will add this Alert. most of the links that are not on my site are. MIL links, so dont say I didnt warn you Many of you know that for years John and I have insisted on there being a secret astronaut program. We have taken the abuse all these years but today its time to present a case for this. It is our contention that the US NAVY is in charge despite the existence of the USAF Space Command, just like in Star Trek it is the NAVY that commands the space fleet. Gary McKinnons claim to fame is NOT that he found UFOs or UFO free energy technology, his only claim is he saw a picture of one of those space fleet ships. and found a list of non terrestrial officers. these were NOT ET, but billets in space by OUR armed forces. So lets begin our journey. As this is a huge work in progress for me please forgive if I jump around a little at first trying to put this in order. I will start with something that Weed Wacker sent me. Now Weed Wacker is a skeptic most times, and I hope I dont embarrass him (to much) with this. What he sent was a movie on Orbital Mechanics. a basic nice production for beginners. However what is important in this video is the few seconds of the opening credits. which was why he thought of me, with jaw dragging on the ground. Space Flight: Application of Orbital Mechanics AVA18245VNB1 - 1994 In the opening credits we see that the Naval Space Command is listed ABOVE NASA. This video was brought to my attention by Weed Wacker, a member of ATS. Normally a stanch skeptic, he was linked this video to debunk a topic. but when he saw the opening credits and was shocked. so he sent it to me. Its these little tidbits that piece together a puzzle and let us see the whole picture. Although we have been saying for years that the US NAVY runs the real space program and NASA is just a pretty front for the public, until I saw this film neither I or my team have run across this emblem before (see below) As to Gary McKinnons Space Ship and Non Terrestrial Officers. His biggest mistake was going in the back door. that really gets them pissed off and he is paying the price, but the NAVY is much more forthcoming with info than NASA is and if you ask them nicely, you would be surprised at what you get So as to the Space Ship or Fleet. Many have hinted at this over the years and the name Solar Warden will ring bells with many and cause others to groan. I dont believe that is the actual name of the project, but it makes the point that we are not the only ones on this trail. Now bear in mind that as yet there is little hard proof. but over the years there has come to light things to back us up. you will have to follow the whole presentation to see all the pieces of the puzzle and tie them together. Information sometimes gives us clues from strange places. for example in a statement from Air Force Space Command we get this little hint. In an Air Force Space Commands Press Release. After the point of contact. there is an interesting reference. Missile warning and space operations were combined to form Air Force Space Command in 1982. During the Cold War, space operations focused on missile warning, and command and control for national leadership. In 1991, Operation Desert Storm provided emphasis for the commands new focus on support to the warfighter. ICBM forces were merged into AFSPC in 1993. Point of contact Air Force Space Command Public Affairs Office 150 Vandenberg St. Suite 1105 Peterson AFB, CO 80914-4500 (719) xxx-xxxx or DSN 692-3731 In Popular Culture In the popular TV series Stargate SG-1 and Stargate Atlantis, the Stargate Program is run by the Air Force Space Command. The AF Space Command Patch was worn on the uniform of personnel aboard the Prometheus, Earths first operational deep space battle cruiser. This flier has since been upgrade to a more recent one but the quote is still copied on Wikipedia As to the those Non-Terrestrial Officers I subscribe to a hard copy magazine from Space Command. High Frontier The Journal for Space and Missile Professionals In the Summer 2004 issue there is this notice. Space Command General Kevin P. Chilton Commander, Air Force Space Command The establishment of Space Command is a crucial milestone in the evolution of military space operations. Space is a place--like land, sea, and air--a theater of operations. And it was just a matter of time until space was treated as such. General James V. Hartinger, 1 September 1982 Naval Space Command Beginning in the mid-1980s, concurrent with the development of space operations and space engineering curricula at the Naval Postgraduate School, the Navy began coding officers as space subspecialists. As space subspecialty codes were then assigned to particular officers billets on numbered Fleet staffs and at commands ashore, the service began assigning Navy members with matching codes to those positions. More recently, the Navy has begun efforts to build a cadre of space smart officers, enlisted personnel and civilian employees. The Naval Space Cadre is composed of active-duty and reserve Navy and Marine Corps officers and enlisted personnel, along with Navy civilian employees from a wide range of career fields who meet mandatory education, training and experience standards established for a particular certification level. The Navy Space Cadre is a distinct body of expertise horizontally and vertically integrated within Navy and Marine Corps active duty, reserves and civilian employee communities organized to operationalize space Initial identification of the cadre began in mid-2001 with the standup of the Naval Space Cadre Working Group and culminated in a naval message (NAVADMIN 20103 DTG211435Z JUL 03) announcing the first 700 officer members of the cadre. These officers were identified by the subspecialty codes of 6206, Space Systems Operations, and 5500, Space Systems Engineering or by the additional qualification designator of VS1, VS2, VS3 or VS4. Identification of enlisted and civilian cadre members is more challenging, as these groups do not have specific space identifiers like the officers do. Approximately 265 billets are currently identified as space billets. These jobs are in Navy, joint and National Security Space organizations. Space cadre members are currently assigned throughout the National Security Space arena, including the National Reconnaissance Office, National Security Space Architect, National Security Space Integration, MILSATCOM Joint Program Office, as well as in all Navy organizations that deal with space. High Frontier The Journal for Space and Missile Professionals Summer 2004 There is no online copy available but I will email a PDF to serious enquiries So there we have it. first 700 officer members of the cadre, identified by the subspecialty codes of 6206, Space Systems Operations, and 5500, Space Systems Engineering. with 265 billets currently identified as space billets. These jobs are in Navy. Okay back into History If we wait long enough. eventually the truth comes out. Back when John was here we had a thread on secret shuttle missions. I was about to make a thread on the first corps of secret Astronauts to prove a point, when PBS NOVA scooped us with Astrospies. I swear they snooped in my computer. But heck, I dont mind because with their resources and their credibility, they could do the job better than I ever could have. and since that time no one hassles me about the existence of secret astronauts. Just imagine that if it took 50 years to tell us this, what do they still have to tell us Secret Astronauts Credit: NASA Meet eight astronauts from the Manned Orbiting Laboratory program. Someone mailed me an autographed picture. not a letter, no return address. just the picture. It was similar to this one. a standard NASA signed press release photo. Astronaut Richard Truly Why is he significant Well until I got the photo and looked him up (again), I had not really paid attention to him except that he was listed as one of the Secret Astronauts in the Astrospies section, and had put him on the shelf so to speak for later follow up. Sometimes I do get so buried with data I forget to dust off that shelf from time to time. so whoever sent me that picture. THANKS for the nudge Here is what we had on the shelf. Vice Adm. Richard H. Truly, United States Navy Its tough to describe how hard we all worked on MOL. But it was a huge part of our lives and, because of how hard we worked, we all learned a lot about ourselves and our abilities. - Vice Adm. Richard H. Truly edit on 15-8-2009 by zorgon Astronaut Richard Truly Richard Harrison Truly was born November 12, 1937, in Fayette, Mississippi. He attended the Georgia Institute of Technology, where he received his bachelor of aeronautical engineering in 1959. In 1964, he attended what is now the Air Force Test Pilot School at Edwards Air Force Base in California, where he later became an instructor. Following MOL, Richard Truly joined NASA and became a member of the astronaut support crew and capsule communicator (CAPCOM) for all three manned Skylab missions in 1973 as well as the 1975 Apollo-Soyuz mission. He piloted Columbia in 1981 and served as space shuttle commander during the third Challenger mission in 1983, after which he left NASA to become the first commander of the Naval Space Command. He returned to NASA one month after the tragic Challenger explosion that killed all seven crew in 1986. Truly became head of the agency for three years starting in 1989. Already a retired vice admiral in the U. S. Navy, he has since held a number of distinguished academic, government, and professional positions. His decorations include the Defense Distinguished Service Medal, Defense Superior Service Medal, two Legions of Merit, and the Distinguished Flying Cross, as well as a host of honors from NASA. Truly left NASA in 1983 to become the first commander of the Naval Space Command, Dahlgren, Virginia. He served as NASA Administrator from 1989-1992 So from the first Secret Astronaut program, through Vice Admiral of the NAVY, through directorship of NASA, to the first Commander of the NAVY SPACE COMMAND I would say we have established the program is real. Now in a recent thread here at ATS I presented some material that was interesting. I will NOT say which thread or what it was about. During the course of the thread I was contacted by several people and the dialog is still ongoing. During that email discourse one of the people I was introduced to was John L Philips. The reason I am being cryptic is because this door was opened for me and I have not yet had the chance to step in and see where it leads. so I have no intention of messing up a good thing. However since the following document IS in public domain. I will toss it in here as an interesting coincidence and follow up later when I can. (also there are watchers here ) I also make no claims as to his current status other than what is written in the following NASA biography. so dont be putting words in my mouth. I just dont believe in coincidences John L. Phillips John L. Phillips (Ph. D.) NASA Astronaut PERSONAL DATA: Born April 15, 1951 in Fort Belvoir, Virginia, but considers Scottsdale, Arizona to be his hometown. Married to the former Laura Jean Doell of Scotia, New York. They have two children. Enjoys skiing, swimming, kayaking, and hiking. EDUCATION: Graduated from Scottsdale High School, Arizona, in 1966 received a B. S. degree in mathematics from the U. S. Naval Academy in 1972 an M. S. in aeronautical systems from the University of West Florida in 1974 and an M. S. and Ph. D. in geophysics and space physics from UCLA in 1984 and 1987, respectively. SPECIAL HONORS: National Merit Scholar graduated second of 906 at USNA awarded the NASA Space Flight Medal, NASA Distinguished Service Medal, the Gagarin Medal, the Komarov Diploma, the Los Alamos National Laboratory Distinguished Performance Award, and various military awards. So here we have a distinguished gentleman that is a NAVYNASA astronaut, holds two of RUSSIAs highest space awards and has Los Alamos connections. SPACE FLIGHT EXPERIENCE: STS-100 Endeavour (April 19 to May 1, 2001). During the 12-day, 187 orbit mission, the crew successfully delivered and installed the Canadarm-2 robotic arm. They also delivered experiments and supplies aboard the Multi-Purpose Logistics Module Raffaelloon its maiden flight. Phillips was the AscentEntry Flight engineer and was the intravehicular activity coordinator during two space walks. ISS Expedition 11 (April 15 to October 10, 2005). Phillips launched from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan aboard Soyuz TMA-6, and served as NASA Science Officer and Flight Engineer aboard ISS. During their six-month stay aboard ISS the crew continued station maintenance, worked with scientific experiments, performed a spacewalk in Russian spacesuits from the Pirs Airlock, and hosted the return to flight visit of the Space Shuttle Discovery (STS-114). The ISS-11 crew landed in Kazakhstan on October 10, 2005. In completing his second mission Phillips logged 179 days and 23 minutes in space including an EVA totaling 4 hours and 58 minutes. Read the rest here. its quite an awesome career. John Phillips Bio jsc. nasa. gov. His current job description. a robotics specialist supporting operations on present and future missions. I think I will nick name him Scotty even bears a little resemblance For the OP I will just list these programs with a brief referecnce and later I will expand on them. There are a lot that tie into the NAVY Space Program and this will take a while to put together US NAVAL OBSERVATORY We all know this one and it has been around since December, 1830 The United States Naval Observatory (USNO) is one of the oldest scientific agencies in the United States. Located in Northwest Washington, D. C. it is one of the few astronomical observatories located in an urban area at the time of its construction, it was far from the light pollution generated by the (then-smaller) city center. Established by order of Secretary of the Navy John Branch on 6 December, 1830 as the Depot of Charts and Instruments, the Observatory rose from humble beginnings. Placed under the command of Lieutenant Louis M. Goldsborough, with an annual budget of 330, its primary function was the restoration, repair, and rating of navigational instruments. It was made into a national observatory in 1842 via a federal law and a Congressional appropriation of 25,000. Lieutenant James Melville Gilliss was put in charge of the project, which was completed in 1844. The observatorys primary mission was to care for the United States Navys marine chronometers, charts, and other navigational equipment. It calibrated ships chronometers by timing the transit of stars across the meridian. Initially located downtown in Foggy Bottom (near the Lincoln Memorial), the observatory was moved to its present location in 1893, atop Observatory Hill overlooking Massachusetts Avenue, amidst perfectly circular grounds. Now the USNO has long been pointed to by conspiracy people as being in the thick of it John Lear with the HansenSimon Newcomb Lunar atmosphere deal Z Sitchin using R Harringtons work for Planet X Time manipulation involving the Philadelphia Project and currently issues involving shortening of time and the Schumann Resonance factor Here are some links: United States Naval Observatory (USNO) - Main Official Site usno. navy. mil. United States Naval Observatory (USNO) - Time Portal usno. navy. mil. edit on 15-8-2009 by zorgon Now this one everyone, at least on ATS, should know by now that Clementine was NOT a NASA program. yet all over the forum and on the internet I still see people say it was a NASA gig Well it wasnt it was a Star Wars Military program. The Naval Research Laboratory is not affiliated in any way with any organization selling lunar property or acreage on the moon. NRL has no involvement, either officially or unofficially, in providing after-sales service for the purchase of lunar property from the Lunar Embassy, its franchisees, or any similar organizations. Disputes arising from the purchase of lunar property from such organizations must be resolved with the seller directly. NRL was responsible for the design, manufacture, integration, and mission execution of the Clementine spacecraft for the Ballistic Missile Defense Organization. During its two-month orbit of the Moon in 1994, Clementine captured 1.8 million images of the Moons surface. The Laboratory provides the Clementine Lunar Image Browser as a courtesy to scientific researchers, as well as the general public, and you are welcome to browse the over 170,000 images that are available. Version 1.5 of the Navy Browser. (the one everyone uses for anomaly hunting) cmf. nrl. navy. mil. Notice the URL is NRL. NAVY. MIL No NASA Version 2.0 of the Navy Browser. nrl. navy. mil. Notice the URL is NRL. NAVY. MIL No NASA In actual fact the Clementine data produced color images, covered here. Revealed for the First Time Color Images of the Moon from Clementine Satellite abovetopsecret. The Clementine Satellite - PDF - Official LLNL report and statistics llnl. gov. U. S. Department of Defense Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Public Affairs) News Transcript Tuesday, December 3, 1996 Subject: Discovery of Ice on the Moon Q: Can you update us on. The colonel mentioned that by the time he got to the office in 1989 it was pretty clear the U. S. wasnt going to deploy a space-based missile defense system. Whats happened to the Star Wars program How is your office changing What are you using this technology for today A: Although many of the space platforms that were really envisioned as part of the Strategic Defense Initiative Organization program back in 1989 have not been supported and continued because of the change in emphasis, including the name of the organization to the Ballistic Missile Defense Organization, were now primarily focused on theater missile defense and national missile defense -- defense of the U. S. continent and Alaska and Hawaii with a much reduced threat. And of course we have the demise of the Cold War to thank for that. However, there is still a space-borne component to our theater and national missile defense architecture, and that is the space-based infrared satellite. That will allow us to do tracking, particularly in boost and in the mid-course phases of the trajectory of a ballistic missile. So all the technologies that were demonstrated on Clementine are technologies that we would hope would be either used or would be the grand-daddies of technologies that we would eventually use in our space surveillance platforms. So that part of the space architecture is still very much alive. Q: But the role of the so-called Star Wars system now has shifted to more of a surveillance, as opposed to shooting something down. A: No, it is still based on shooting down ballistic missiles by impact with interceptors. So this technology is important in order to track and pass the track files on to the interceptors in order to allow them to hit their targets. So its very much a part of the architecture. Q: That translates to what in volume A: We were very conservative in the press release, but if you take basically 100 square kilometers by roughly 50 feet, you get a volume of something like a quarter of a cubic mile, I think its on that order. Its a considerable amount, but its not a huge glacier or anything like that. Q: Can you compare that with something you know A: Its a lake. A small lake. On Wherefore Art Though Clementine. The Clementine spacecraft has many mysteries surrounding it, but the name sake. where is Clementine Lost and gone forever Well not quite. Here is our work on Clementine. Wherefore Art Thou Clementine - The Mystery of Clementine Explored thelivingmoon. Q: Where is Clementine now A: The spacecraft, as you know, from the name Clementine, is only supposed to be here for a short period of time and be lost and gone forever, so it was intended for a very short period of time after this lunar mission, did a rendezvous with the earth, and shortly after that was shifted by the moons gravity and continued a flight which will bring it back near the earth about nine years from now. So its an 11 year total flight around the sun. So basically its moving like a little planet around the sun, and it will bring it back close to us in about nine years. Its two years since it left us so it will be another nine years before its back. But its not useful right now. The mission is finished. Q: But unlike its namesake, its not lost and gone forever. It will be back A: It will be back, but its not a useful spacecraft any more. The above quotes are from the Pentagon Press Release issued in 1996 but not online till Oct 2006 DoD News Briefing Presenter: Dr. Dwight Duston, Assistant Deputy for Technology, Ballistic Missile Defense Organization defenselink. mil. edit on 15-8-2009 by zorgon THE TETHER INCIDENT For some time in many threads, mostly those dealing with the infamous STS 75 Tether Incident and NASAs bungling loss of the satellite, I have dropped hints about the OTHER tether satellite flown by the NAVY only a month later. It was used for two years for laser experiments and as far as I know it is still being spotted by amateurs, at least it was a few years ago. It first flew in 1996 and I have an amateur video of it passing over in the summer of 2004 with an Astrovid StellaCam EX by apolloisgo (link later) Now very few people even asked me about it and yet info on it was even available back then in public channels. Its one of my pet peeves, people saying they are searching for truth, but then even when you rub their noses into it, they still dont see it. I got the usual ribbing from certain skeptics, who didnt even bother to do a simple search. Well this satellite was flown and they shot lasers at it from two locations on Earth. One was the Advanced Electro Optical System (AEOS) Mount Haleakala, Maui, Hawaii run by the Air Force and this was the location they took photos of the satellite in orbit. The other location was the Starfire Optical Range in Kirtland AFB in New Mexico thelivingmoon. There is a similar facility in Russia that I knew about and managed to find on Google Earth It is called OKNO ELINT and on that project the Russians said we had THREE. well I found Starfire and AEOS no problem, but the third eluded me though it was already on my list. HELSTAF High Energy Laser Systems Test Facility - White Sands, New Mexico thelivingmoon. This was the Russian Article I used to track it down on GE enews. ferghana. ru. OKNO Sourcebook - 242 page PDF report fas. org. So back to the tether. the purpose of firing the lasers at it was to test the concept of transmitting power to satellites in space via high powered lasers. The new optical systems compensate for atmospheric dispersal. My next thread will deal with that topic in detail. and a little later I will show you one more awesome NAVY project. The NAVY Tether is called TiPS Tether Physics and Survivability experiment. Some public links. Now those sites will give you basic details. Graphic of the US Naval Research Laboratorys TiPS tether satellite. Note that only a small part of the 4 km tether is shown deployed. This is the actual size of tether cable But when I first found this a few years a go the info was on this URL (which now gives you a redirect) Catchy URL to be sure, eh I contacted the NAVY webmaster for permission to reprint the data as it was now declassified and received that permission Here are the links to the data and photos Tether Physics and Survivability Experiment (TiPS) - Naval Research Laboratory thelivingmoon. Processed TiPS Images From MSSSAMOS - Naval Research Laboratory thelivingmoon. Tether Physics and Survivability Experiment (TiPS) - Naval Research Laboratory projects. nrl. navy. mil. - (the hyperspace. nrl. navy. mil. link is still on this page - I didnt make it up ) Video of lasing the Satellite Download TiPS MPEG Video (382 kb) thelivingmoon. Youtube Capture by an amateur in 2004 but just posted to youtube in 2007 edit on 15-8-2009 by zorgon NRL - The High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program nrl. navy. mil. Navys Record-Breaking Railgun Shot Screen capture from the Video. notice the logo on the target shows the rail gun in space. Can someone translate that Latin Navys Record-Breaking Railgun Shot Video Naval Surface Warfare Center, Dahlgren, Virginia nswc. navy. mil. Topic b. Development of new technologies that would allow commercial space-based or conventional aircraft sensors to detect man-made structures hidden beneath heavy (triple canopy) jungle foliage. Consideration will be given to low cost, low footprint concepts that can be prototyped in less than 6 months. Space to NAVELEX Exploration Helps Drive Navy Reorganization Efforts to conquer space began in earnest in the early 1960s when the first U. S. manned spacecraft Freedom 7 was successfully launched and recovered May 5, 1961. Both Astronaut Alan Shepard and the Freedom 7 were flown safely by helicopter to the deck of the USS Lake Champlain within 11 minutes of landing. With that successful recovery, President John F. Kennedy challenged the nation to land men on the moon and return them safely to earth before 1970. Space Program drives Navy to reorganization. In answer to the challenge, NASA launched the Apollo Space Program. It soon became apparent that supporting the space program would be a significant priority for the Navy. Indeed, support of the space program and the launching of its own satellite navigation systems drove a number of organizational changes within the Navy. Along with some existing challenges the Navy had been battling for some time. Naval Space Command (NAVSPACECOM) (U) (U) Headquartered at Dahlgren, Virginia, NAVSPACECOM began operations October 1, 1983. NAVSPACECOM uses the medium of space and its potential to provide essential information and capabilities to ashore and afloat naval forces by: - Operating assigned systems - Executing missions assigned by USCINCSPACE - Advocating naval warfighting requirements in the joint arena and - Advising, supporting, and assisting naval services through training and by developing space plans, programs, budgets, policies, concepts, and doctrine. (U) NAVSPACECOM also serves as the naval service component of the United States Space Command (USSPACECOM), established in 1985. Component responsibilities include operating assigned space systems to provide surveillance and warning, as well as providing spacecraft telemetry and on-orbit engineering support. In addition, NAVSPACECOM provides facilities and staffs a command center 24 hours a day to serve as the Alternate Space Control Center (ASCC) for USSPACECOMs primary center located at Cheyenne Mountain Air Force Base, Colo. ASCC missions include operational direction of the entire global Space Surveillance Network for CINCSPACE. The ASCC also detects, tracks, identifies, and catalogs all man-made objects in space and provides ephemeris on these objects to approximately1,000 customers. It also monitors the space environment and informs owners and operators of U. S. and allied space systems of potential threat to their assets by continuous liaison with the systems operations centers. Finally, NAVSPACECOM provides administrative oversight for two Echelon 3 operational Navy activities: the Naval Satellite Operations Center (NAVSOC) and the Fleet Surveillance Support Command (FLTSURVSUPPCOM). US Naval Space Command Space Surveillance System One of the lesser-known assets of the US Space Commands world-wide space surveillance system is the 217 MHz NAVSPASUR fence across the southern US. The following items from various sources (indicated in italics) give some basic information about the system, its history and use. US Naval Space Command Space Surveillance System fas. org. US NAVY Program Executive Office Space Systems PEO Space Systems Organization Info The PEO Space Systems mission is to develop, acquire, integrate, produce, launch, test and provide operational support to reliable, affordable, flexible, effective and seamless space systems that support DOD and U. S. agencies to enable joint, coalition, combined and naval operations. PEO Space Systems coordinates all Department of the Navy space research, development and acquisition activities. US NAVY Program Executice Office Space Systems enterprise. spawar. navy. mil. Naval Space Command The naval services growing dependence on space prompted the Secretary of the Navy to establish a new command that would consolidate space activities and organizations that operate and maintain naval space systems. This new organization - the Naval Space Command - was commissioned on October 1, 1983. It was a decisive move to bring together several activities under a single command to strengthen operational control, provide a central focal point for naval space matters, and more effectively guide future operational uses of space. No I am not suggesting the Japanese Lunar Orbiter is connected to the NAVY. In the spacecraft Kaguya SELENE stands for SELenological and ENgineering Explorer JAXA SELenological and ENgineering Explorer KAGUYA (SELENE) jaxa. jp. The NAVY SELENE stands for SpacE Laser ENergy Why this odd acronym Good question. maybe it does have something to do with the Japanese Moon Ship after all Information is difficult to find but we have some things to go on. Exuberant1 has been working to track this one down, as well as other info on lasers to transfer power from Earth to satellite, from satellite to ground, and from satellite to satellite. SELENE has the ability to send POWER TO THE MOON. think about the implications of THAT. NAOMISELENE site design Hislop, Arthur Q. Malik, John L. Richter, David J. Bennett, Harold E. Proc. SPIE Vol. 2376, p. 297-314, Laser Power Beaming II, Harold E. Bennett Richard D. Doolittle Eds. The Birchum Mesa SELENE (Space Laser Energy) facility will be dual use facility as it provides for progressive development of high power Free Electron Lasers (FEL) and commercial laser beam power transfer to space-borne vehicles. The facility will be comprised of SELENE mainsite containing two laser system bays and supporting facilities with transport tunnels coupling to the Beam Transfer Optical System (BTOS) which is the active optical array space beam director with its supporting facility. The first generation commercial grade laser will operate at 100 kW of quasi-CW laser power with a planned growth to 10 MW of output power. The BTOS beam director will direct a focus compensated laser power beam to provide power service to space vehicles within a - 50 degree (half angle from zenith) tracking cone service field. An underground hardened site is proposed for this facility to mitigate any potentially hazardous effects from operation of a very high energy CW electron beam laser, to protect the facility from inadvertent weapons splashdown during range Test and Evaluation operations, and to create minimum environmental impact upon historical and ecological elements of the range. Advantages of China Lake for laser power beaming Bennett, Harold E. Proc. SPIE Vol. 2376, p. 280-296 Laser Power Beaming II, Harold E. Bennett Richard D. Doolittle Eds. The site for the proposed National Advanced Optic Mission Initiative (NAOMI) facility will be in the mountains near China Lake, California. This location has 260 clear days per year (more than any other feasible site in the U. S.). In 1993 there were 5 completely overcast days all year. The area near the proposed site is unpopulated. The solar insolation in this general area is the greatest of any area in the United States. The NAOMI system will be installed at an altitude of 5600 feet. Astronomical seeing there is excellent. Even at a less favored site than that planned for NAOMI the average Fried seeing coefficient ro is 12 cm in the visible region and 20 cm values of ro (comparable to the best observatories) are commonly observed. The area is centrally located in and entirely surrounded by one of the largest restricted airspacemilitary operating airspace complexes in the United States, 12 of the entire airspace in California. Electrical power is available from either the nearly Coso Geothermal plant, second largest in the United States, or from the even closer cogeneration plant at Trona, California. Cooling water can be obtained from the nearby area or from the lake itself. Although a dry playa, the lake has a high brackish groundwater level. Most of the commercial satellites over the U. S. could be reached by a lasertelescope system located on government land at the Naval Air Weapons Station (NAWS) military reservation at China Lake. This telescopelaser system will be a prototype for five other systems planned for around the world. The complex will provide laser power beaming to all satellites and put the United States into the position of world leader in satellite technology and power beaming to space. Now the part about beaming power via laser to the Moon Beam Transmission Optical System (BTOS) SELENE The development of the Beam Transmission Optical System (BTOS) is a portion of a larger project entitled SpacE Laser Electric ENErgy (SELENE). The SELENE project utilizes a high energy, free electron laser to transfer energy from the ground to orbiting spacecraft or other space targets such as a lunar base 1 BTOS is the systcm that delivers the beam energy from the laser to the target. The primary mission objective of SELENE is to provide energy for operation of geosynchronous satellites including steady-state power for operations, periodic low power for station keeping, periodic high power during eclipses, and high power for transfer orbit apogee burn. 2 SELENE will also provide energy for operation at middle and high earth orbits (MEO) of 3000 kilometers. Another possible usage for SELENE will be to provide energy to a laser-augmented solar-electric orbit transfer vehicle wherein a low earth orbit (LEO) vehicle transfers to geosynchronous orbit (GEO) through a spiral trajectory path. Finally, SELENE will provide continuous steady-state energy for operation of a lunar base. 3 Structural Design Considerations for the Beam Transmission Optical System Paul D. MacNeal and Michael C. Lou, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California As I said I will create a new thread on the LASER POWER Transmission as there is a lot to cover. I just wanted to show the tie in with the NAVY SPACE PROGRAM and the BEAMING OF POWER VIA SUPER LASERS TO SPACE CHINA LAKE Naval Air Warfare Center Weapons Division (NAWCWD) navair. navy. mil. Weapons Division PAO: About China Lake - Ridgecrest navair. navy. mil. Thats all for now. I have lots more to add but I needed to get the thread started. All this data and more is collected on my site. There are many links to sites and papers and it is an on going project, especially as more data is released from the NAVY This just to add because its done. and is NAVY Nothing to do with space And just because its a secret Navy Submarine Base Under the Nevada Desert thelivingmoon. NUWC Naval Underwater Warfare Center - Hawthorne Nevada Division Photo Tour at Gate thelivingmoon. The end. for now A practical demonstration of a Laser BTOS system being used to supply power to a sub-orbital craft (a remote-controlled plane): Flights of the lightweight, radio-controlled model airplane inside a large building at NASA Marshall are believed to be the first time that a plane has been powered only by laser energy. The demonstration was a key step toward the capability to beam power to an aircraft, allowing it to stay in flight indefinitely -- a concept with potential for the scientific community as well as the remote sensing and telecommunications industries. As Zorgon pointed out, not all lasers systems need be Earth-based - In some cases (such as moon missions), it would be far more practical to have solar-pumped laser in orbit. It appears that Langley and NASA have taken an interest in the matter: - solar-pumped lasers in lunar orbit would beam power to the lunar surface for conversion into either electricity or propulsion needs. For example, lunar rovers could be much more flexible and lighter than rovers using other primary power sources - Also, laser power could be absorbed by lunar soil to create a hard glassy surface for dust-free roadways and launch pads - Laser power transmission is shown to be a highly flexible, enabling primary power source for lunar missions. Using lasers to make roads and launchpads. think about that. Along with power transfer and generation, such lasers could be also used in mineral and water extraction (ie. water from the small lake). There are many advantages in using such a flexible power-transfer system. What might these lunar orbiting solar-pumped lasers look like But what about power transmission from the Earth to orbiting satellites and the moon, surely that would be noticed. Here is what you would see if you lacked the proper equipment, and you looked into the sky towards and active BTOS system: Unaided, you would see Nothing: But if you were properly equipped, you would see beams rising up to meet with various satellites, some going to the moon, some even further - the beams which meet satellites are probably not from an observatory. Properly aided, your eyes would see something like this: (Jose Escamilla believes that these these may be Space Elevators. This and other such images can be seen in his new Movie Moon Rising) More information regarding Laser Power Beaming can be found here: thelivingmoon. edit on 15-8-2009 by Exuberant1 The Japanese are currently working on a Space Based Power System which converts solar energy into microwave and laser pulses. Let us hope the beams dont stray off-target: Japan Shooting For Space-Based Solar Power TOKYO (Nikkei)--The government will by the end of this year start developing technologies designed to eventually beam electricity from solar panels in space down to the earth. An artists image of a compact satellite for use in an experiment to transmit power down to the earth. (Courtesy of JAXA) A public solicitation for firms to participate in the endeavor will soon be made the companies may be selected as early as next month. The government expects players in the electronics and heavy electric machinery industries to participate. The hope is to commercialize orbital solar power by 2030. Such a system would have such advantages as generating electricity regardless of the weather on the ground. The project will develop technologies to transmit power down to the earth. The idea is to convert solar electricity into microwaves, which would then be converted back into electricity at the surface. Coincidentally, it is starting to look as if the Japaneses KaguyaSelene mission was actually a part of the larger BTOS SELENE program. If this is the case, then the name selection of the probe-set was probably not by chance. More to come. The Europeans are getting in on the action, and will be testing their own Space Based Power system and will assess a laser-based SBPS concept for Earth and for the lunar surface. Small scale science missions laser power transmissions will also be considered. ESA funds technology for Earth and Moon base SBSP The European Space Agencys general studies programme is to assess a laser-based SBPS concept for Earth and for the lunar surface. Small scale science missions laser power transmissions will also be considered. The ESA work will include an assessment of the integration of space-based solar power plants into terrestrial ones, including innovative approaches to orbit selection and methods for the adaptation of terrestrial solar power plants to serve in addition as receiving stations for space solar power plants. According to the European agency direct solar pumped laser technologies offer the option of increasing total laser conversion efficiencies by an order of magnitude and innovative beam control and steering technologies, laser to electricity conversion systems and a combination of parallel data, power transmission techniques are of interest. edit on 15-8-2009 by Exuberant1 Another awesome post Zorgon I appreciate all the hard work you and others have done to bring this thread to us. SF Probably not related but. I used to wonder why on some shuttle missions there have been former Navy Seals members. odd to me because I assumed that it was either Air Force pilots, teachers or Dr. s of some kind but now Im thinking these guys were part of the Navy Space Command maybe posted on Aug, 15 2009 10:26 AM Well done zorgon. One of the most thorough posts its been my pleasure to have read, although Im still only half way through all the information youve bombarded me with. Just one question (forgive me if youve mentioned this and I havent yet read it) but where do you think these space craft launch from Even if they launched from one of the sea based sites surely someone would see it Maybe they have and the launches have been recorded as UFO sightings Once again, well done.


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